hoy porfin vi Funny Face pelicula que queria rentar con lery, el sabado pero no encontramos en saharis porque
a. El muchacho adolescente que me atendio, no sabia quien era Audrey Hepburn
b. talvez no me entendio por traer el tapabocas ( SI TRAIA TAPABOCAS Y QUE!)
c. El sharis estaba tan saqueado que ya no la tenian
le tuve que decir que era en blanco y negro
y me dijo que lo que tenian era Casablanca ( que lery tya tenia en su casa)
y ayer
vi que en TCM el canal de cable de peliculas y programas retro , tenian el mes de audrey Hepburn, y me emocione, pero cuando le puse solo habia capitulos del super agente 86, creo que se llama, y hoy cuando merodeaba por los canales de peliculas ( ya que abieron la señal de HBO family por las vacaciones porcinas) pase por TCM y O SOPRESA!!! ESTABA FUNNY FACE!!!
con Audrey hepburn y Fred astaire
les dire que es un final predecible y que no necesitan que yo les diga como termina para saber como termina....
este es uno de esos ejemplos de cuando algo tiene tanto hype, que cuando lo veo tengo expectativas muy altas, que solo vienen a decepcionarme de manera catastrofica. bueno bueno estoy exagenrando , no es catastrofica mi decepcion, pero almenos no estoy feliz...
Basicamente la pelicula trata de
Pretty girl librarian pretending not to be pretty (hepburn)
meets outgoing fashion reknown photographer (astaire)
-photgrapher discovers her, and proposes her as new meat for a fashion magazine
- magazine falls in love with her "funny face"
- pretty girl "only" accepts to work for magazine to go to paris and meet, famous philosopher she admires
- pretty girl and photgrapher fall in love in paris
- They dance and dance and dance in all types of random scenes
- they sing very little, and with little tune
- pretty girls meets philosopher who isnt as old or ugly as anyone would tought he would be
- has fight with boyfriend photographer about, " if philosppher wants only to philosophize with her, or get in her pants"
-girl leaves photographer, to attend philosphers party
-photographer and magazine editor weedle their way in the party pretending to be bohemians, and are forced to perform, and by perform i mean more pointless dancing ,and a little singing
- photographer and editor dont convince pretty girl to go back to fashion event and leave party
- When left alone philosopher, tries to "philosophize" more deeply with her, girl being unable to escape a locked door ( normal hand accesed lock) breaks a small sculpture on his head
- Girl goes back to fashion show, just to find out photgrapher is leaving paris
- photographer finds philospher bandaged in airport, finds out of pretty girl's escape and returns to fashion show
- alina turns off TV since this movie IS SO OBVIOUS, it takes all the fun away from it...
porfavor alguien digame que las otras peliculas de hepburn y astaire tienen mas magia y contenido?¡
Funny Face
Monday, May 4, 2009
11:33 PM
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